Multiparty conferences

Quobis collaborator has the ability to create multiparty conferences. To achieve it we have several ways, wich we will summarize here. The result will be a call with multiple streams from each of the participants in the call. During a conference call, as during the a standard one-to-one call, you can select the main video stream clicking on the upper right thumbnails.


Example of a multiparty call with four video participants

You can create a multiparty conference using the following methods:

  • From the contacts panel, select and call a a group of users.

  • From the call history, select a previous multiparty conference and redial using audio or video.

  • From a group chat, clicking sippo-phone or startVideoCall will make a call or video call with all the the group participants

In addition, you can convert your one-to-one call to a multiparty conference using the Add participant addParticipant button from the three dots menu


The “Add participant” buttons allows to include more participants into the current call


Please note that:

  • There is a limitation of the maximum number or participants allowed in a conference. This value is configurable by the system administrator.

  • Only the thumbnails of the first 25 participants are shown. The rest of the participants can join as well, until the limit is reached, but their thumbnails are not shown