Application development with Quobis SDKs
Services providers and enterprises can develop their own WebRTC applications and enhance existing ones using Quobis wac SDK’s, leveraging of all the Quobis wac functionalities like authentication, user management, contacts, etc…
These SDKs can be also customized for service providers that want to expose their own set of SDKs to sell their services to small enterprises and developers to compete with existing SaaS providers of WebRTC APIs.
Every application developed with Quobis SDK requires connection with a Quobis wac, as some of the features are not implemented on the browser but on the Quobis wac. The applications and the Quobis SDK libraries can be hosted at the Quobis wac or at the customer own servers.
There are four SDKS available as of today, documentation and details are explained online at http://doc.quobis.com, with a set of tutorials and guides to help you getting started and develop your first application.
Javascript SDK to develop web HTML5 applications
Android SDK to develop mobile apps for the Android operating system
iOS SDK to develop mobile apps for the iOS operating systems