Provides access to methods for managing outgoing or incoming conferences. Conference objects are obtained calling ConferenceManager#createConference method or handling the onIncoming event of a connected ConferenceManager instance.



attendedTransferTarget: BehaviorSubject<undefined | string> = ...
attendedTransferTarget$: Observable<undefined | string>
audioStream$: Observable<undefined | ManagedStream>
isAttendedTransferActive$: Observable<boolean>
joinTimestampValue: undefined | number
localActionsSubject: Subject<Action> = ...
localMediaHandler: LocalMediaHandler

Allows access to local streams and actions related to changing which local media is shared

localParticipant$: Observable<ConferenceParticipant>
lock: Lock = ...
muteRequest$: Observable<boolean>
ownId: string
participantsConnectable: Connectable<ParticipantsState>
participantsMap$: Observable<ParticipantsState>
remoteParticipants$: Observable<readonly ConferenceParticipant[]>
status$: Observable<ConferenceStatus>
statusSubject: BehaviorSubject<ConferenceStatus> = ...
subscription: Subscription = ...


  • get joinTimestamp(): undefined | number
  • The timestamp when the join to this conference was completed

    Returns undefined | number


  • Invites the voicemail to a conference


    • Optional mediaTypes: MediaTypes

      the media types that will be used to call the voicemail

    Returns Promise<{
        code: number;
        whoAccepted?: string;

  • Expels a participant from this conference


    • userId: string
    • Optional session: string

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Expels a list of participant from this conference


    • participants: string[]

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Invites a new participant to this conference


    • participant: string

      A participant can be both an internal or an external user.

    • Optional mediaTypes: Readonly<MediaTypes>

      the MediaTypes of this invitation

    • context: Record<string, string> = {}

      Arbitrary context that can be sent when making an invite

    Returns Promise<{
        code: number;
        whoAccepted?: string;

    A promise with an object with two properties: SIP code (SIP code of the response) and whoAccepted (User id of the participant that accepted the invite).

  • Invites a list of new participant to this conference


    • participants: string[]
    • Optional mediaTypes: Readonly<MediaTypes>

    Returns Promise<{
        code: number;
        whoAccepted?: string;

  • Leaves the conference


    • Optional errorCode: number

      the rejection cause when an invitation is received and the conference has not been joined.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Request a remote participant to mute their audio


    • to: string

      The id of the participant to mute

    • muted: boolean = true

      If true, requests the remote participant to turn off their microphone and if false to turn it on.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Create an attended call transfer towards a user in the system


    • target: string

      user that will be inserted in conference.

    • mediaTypes: Readonly<MediaTypes> = ...

    Returns Promise<Conference>

    a temporal conference with "target" to use for the attended transfer

  • Create an unattended call transfer towards a user in the system


    • participant: string
    • mediaTypes: Readonly<MediaTypes> = ...

      the current media types will be used if nothing is specified

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Stop local hold Republishes all previously published media, subscribes to previously subscribed media and notifies new status to other participants.

    Returns Promise<void>