Provides access to the audio tracks of the managed stream
Returns MediaStreamTrack[]
getTracks(): MediaStreamTrack[]
Provides access to all the tracks of the managed stream
Returns MediaStreamTrack[]
getVideoTracks(): MediaStreamTrack[]
Provides access to the video tracks of the managed stream
Returns MediaStreamTrack[]
hasAudioTracks(): boolean
Allows to know if the managed stream has audio tracks
Returns boolean
A boolean value indicating if the managed stream has at least one audio track
hasVideoTracks(): boolean
Allows to know if the managed stream has video tracks
Returns boolean
A boolean value indicating if the managed stream has at least one video track
isAudioMuted(): boolean
Indicates if every audio track is muted
Returns boolean
isLocal(): boolean
Indicates if this managed stream is local. This means that its sources are
local devices of this machine and that it was obtained of a getUserMedia call
and not from a RTCPeerConnection
Returns boolean
isRemote(): boolean
Indicates if this managed stream is remote. This means that its sources are not
local devices of this machine and that it was obtained from a RTCPeerConnection
and not from a getUserMedia call
Returns boolean
isVideoMuted(): boolean
Indicates if every video track is muted
Returns boolean
muteAudio(mute?): void
Mutes or unmutes audio tracks of this stream
mute: boolean = !this.isAudioMuted()
If true disables audio tracks, if false enables them
If not argument is provided it toggles the mute state on audio tracks
Returns void
muteVideo(mute?): void
Mutes or unmutes video tracks of this stream
mute: boolean = !this.isVideoMuted()
If true disables video tracks, if false enables them
If not argument is provided it toggles the mute state on video tracks
Returns void
stop(): void
Stops every track of the underlying MediaStream
Returns void
takePhotos(): Promise<Blob[]>
Allows taking captures of the video tracks of this stream
Returns Promise<Blob[]>
A promise containing an array of Blobs with a capture
of the video. One Blob for each video track of this stream
This class provides access to media control functions during a call This class must never be directly instantiated