sippo-sdk / com.quobis.sippo.sipposdk.conference.listener / ConferenceListener


interface ConferenceListener

A listener to receive Conference events.

This interface includes all the callbacks needed to listen to the events associated with one particular Conference and to perform the appropriate actions when any of these events are received.



abstract fun onConferenceStateReceived(conference: Conference, state: State): Unit

Performs any actions that could be required depending on the conference state. Is is invoked with the current conference state when the listener is added and also whenever the conference state changes after that.


abstract fun onInvitationUpdated(conference: Conference, invitation: Invitation): Unit

Performs any actions that could be required when an invitation is updated. It is invoked whenever an invite or cancel request is processed (in these cases, the state will be Pending or Canceled respectively) and when the invitation result is received (the state will be Accepted or Rejected depending on the response).


abstract fun onLocalVideoAdded(conference: Conference): Unit

Performs any actions that could be required when the local video is shared.


abstract fun onParticipantAdded(conference: Conference, participant: Participant): Unit

Performs any actions that could be required when a new participant is added to the conference.


abstract fun onParticipantHeld(conference: Conference, participantName: String): Unit

Performs any actions that could be required when the participant specified by participantName held the conference.


abstract fun onParticipantRemoved(conference: Conference, participantName: String): Unit

Performs any actions that could be required when the participant specified by participantName is removed from the conference.


abstract fun onParticipantUnheld(conference: Conference, participantName: String): Unit

Performs any actions that could be required when the participant specified by participantName unheld the conference.


abstract fun onRemoteVideoAdded(conference: Conference, participantName: String): Unit

Performs any actions that could be required when a remote participant specified by participantName starts sharing video.


abstract fun onRemoteVideoRemoved(conference: Conference, participantName: String): Unit

Performs any action that could be required when a remote participant specified by participantName stops sharing video.


abstract fun onTransferReceived(conference: Conference, transfer: Transfer): Unit

Performs any action that could be required when there is a new incoming Transfer.