This class allows access to the details of each group a GroupRepository must be used to obtain instances of this class.


  • Parameters

    • id: string
    • chatId: string
    • name: string
    • owner: string
    • participants: Iterable<string>

    Returns Group


chatId: string

The unique id that identifies the group for chat

id: string

The unique id that identifies the group

name: string

The name of the group

owner: string

The user that owns the group

participants: readonly string[]

A list of the users that belong to the group


  • Creates a new Group object removing the provided participants


    • Rest ...participants: string[]

    Returns Group

  • Creates a new Group object adding the provided participants


    • Rest ...participants: string[]

    Returns Group

  • Creates a new Group object with the provided parameter changed


    • __namedParameters: {
          name: undefined | string;
          participants: undefined | readonly string[];
      } = {}
      • name: undefined | string
      • participants: undefined | readonly string[]

    Returns Group