
sealed class Either<out V, out E : Throwable>

An asynchronous result.

This class groups all the methods needed in order to manage an asynchronous result that can be successful (Success] or not (Failure).



Type of the value in case of success.


Type of the error in case of failure. It has to extend Throwable.



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data class Failure<out E : Throwable>(val error: E) : Either<Nothing, E>

Failed result with error error.

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data class Success<out V>(val value: V) : Either<V, Nothing>

Successful result with value value.


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True if the result is an error, false otherwise.

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True if the result was successful, false otherwise.


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abstract fun error(): E?

Returns the error associated. In case of Success, error will be null.

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fun <V, U, E : Throwable> Either<V, E>.flatMap(f: (V) -> Either<U, E>): Either<U, E>

Converts the Either value according to f function.

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fun <V, E : Throwable, X : Throwable> Either<V, E>.flatMapError(f: (E) -> Either<V, X>): Either<V, X>

Converts the Either error according to f function.

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fun <V, U, E : Throwable> Either<V, E>.map(f: (V) -> U): Either<U, E>

Converts the Either value according to f function.

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fun <V, E : Throwable, X : Throwable> Either<V, E>.mapError(f: (E) -> X): Either<V, X>

Converts the Either error according to f function.

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fun <V, E : Throwable> Either<V, E>.onFailure(f: (E) -> Unit)

Calls the function f with a specific error when Either is failure.

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fun <V, E : Throwable> Either<V, E>.onSuccess(f: (V) -> Unit)

Calls the function f with a specific value when Either is successful.

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abstract fun value(): V?

Returns the value associated. In case of Failure, value will be null.