Chats Rx
Contains the list of all chat instances associated with the current user.
Contains the list of group chat instances associated with the current user.
Contains the list of individual chat instances associated with the current user.
Emits when a group Chat is created.
Emits when a group Chat is removed.
Emits when a group Chat is updated.
Emits when a individual Chat is created.
Emits when a individual Chat is removed.
Emits when an individual Chat is updated.
Creates a new chat.
Disables the Push Notifications for incoming messages. Disables notifications against XMPP server.
Disconnects a chat session and disables the chat push notifications. This should be called on logout.
Enables the Push Notifications for incoming messages. Enable notifications against XMPP server. It must be called after setPushToken or to have the dnd option disabled in order for it to work.
Fetches both individual and group chats related to this user.
Fetches all group chats related to this user.
Fetches all individual chats related to this user.
Joins all the group chats in the list of currentGroupChats.