
Reactive API of Conference.

This class replicates some of the methods included in Conference but using Rx types as return values instead of callbacks. It also exposes the events associated with one particular conference using Rx observables.


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val invitationUpdated: Observable<Invitation>

Emits when an Invitation is updated. It will emit whenever an invite or cancel request is processed (in these cases,the state will be Pending or Canceled respectively) and when the invitation result is received (the state will be Accepted or Rejected depending on the response).

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val localVideoAdded: Observable<Boolean>

Emits true when the local video is shared. It will not emit any value when the video is no longer shared.

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val localVideoRemoved: Observable<Boolean>

Emits true when the local video is no longer shared. It will not emit any value when the video is shared.

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val participantAdded: Observable<Participant>

Emits when a Participant is added to the conference.

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val participantHeld: Observable<String>

Emits the participant's identifier when this one is removed from the conference.

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val participantRemoved: Observable<String>

Emits the participant's identifier when this one is removed from the conference.

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val participantUnheld: Observable<String>

Emits the participant's identifier when this one is removed from the conference.

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val remoteVideoAdded: Observable<Contact>

Emits the participant's name when this one starts sharing video.

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val remoteVideoRemoved: Observable<Contact>

Emits the participant's name when this one stops sharing video.

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val state: Observable<JanusConference.State>

Emits the conference state whenever it changes. When a subscriber is added, it will also emit the current conference state.

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val transferReceived: Observable<Transfer>

Emits when a new Transfer is received.


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fun acceptAttendedTransfer(): Completable

Accepts an attended transfer in progress.

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fun cancelAttendedTransfer(): Completable

Cancels an attended transfer in progress.

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fun cancelInviteToParticipant(participant: Participant): Completable

Cancels the invitation made for the user to the specified participant.

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fun expelParticipant(participant: Participant): Completable

Expels the specified participant from this conference.

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Fetches all the invitations made for the user to this conference.

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Fetches the current conference participants, including the local user.

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fun hold(): Completable

Hold the current conference.

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fun sendDtmf(digit: Dtmf): Completable

Sends the provided digit tone to the current Conference.

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fun transferConference(callee: String, mediaTypes: List<MediaType>? = null): Completable

Transfer the current conference to the specified callee.

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fun unhold(): Completable

Unhold the current conference.

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fun updateMedia(context: Context, mediaTypes: List<MediaType>): Completable

Updates the media types shared by the user, overridden the current ones.