Quick conferences
“Quick conferences” are a special type of conference rooms that have the following characteristics:
There are no time restrictions
There is no role of “owner” or administrator
There is no ACL (Access Control List)
Of course, this use case can also be implemented by directly using the conference rooms methods, but using the QuickConference service is much faster and easier as there is no need of dealing with the conference room ACL, ownership, time constrains, etc… The QSS.quickconference is in charge of providing this functionality, which is quite useful when we need to setup a use case that fits the behaviour explained above. A common use case is to provide communication “on the fly” without any restrictions of any type. The Javascript SDK implements the QuickConference service in the ConferenceManager.getquickconference
Configuration of the QuickConferences is explained here.
Please note that recording is not available with QuickConferences. The main reason behind this limitation is the fact that Quickconferences do not have a lifetime, as they are always available, which will mean that recording will last forever. In order to prevent such situation, there recording configuration takes no effect in the QuickConferences. In case that recording is a “must have” feature for your specific use case, please use a standard conference room.