
Quobis wac provides a number of functionalities that boost the development of real time applications. The most relevant functionalities provided by Quobis wac are detailed in the list below:
HQ Voice and Video
Quobis wac is able to handle the setup of real-time voice and video sessions with different configurations, ranging from traditional telephony-like one to one calls to multiparty calls, meetings, personal rooms and other complex scenarios. Quobis wac also supports screen sharingand quality control methods. Its SDK come in different flavours for Javascript, Android, iOS and C++.
User management
Quobis wac handles the management of both registered and guest users, its capabilities and its classification into domains, supporting multiple tenants into the same deployment. Users can be classified into user groups to create teams, departments, etc… which can also share commons contacts as shared phone books.
Identity management
Quobis wac provides and internal authentication system to authenticate the subscribers, but it also can delegate the authentication of the users into a third party element that supports OAuth2 protocol, such as Microsoft Active Directory. Subscribers can have several identities and user a number of different authentication models.
Permissions and capabilities
Users are entitle to do different actions depending on the permissions, capabilities setup by the system administrator via a flexible REST API
Contact management
Quobis has an internal Network Addressbook (NAB) that can be used to manage the agenda of the subscribers. It takes into account that subscribers and belong to different domains, organizations and groups, so a number of combination of private contacts, shared contacts and group contacts is already available. This NAB can also be synchronized with external systems via a REST API.
The recording capability allows the implementation of use cases where there is a requirement for recording every interaction in a secure and encrypted way.
SIP interconnection
Beyond its internal signaling server, Quobis is able to connect to existing SIP and IMS networks with flexible SIP schemas, from a SIP trunk to complex registration scenarios and SIP manipulation rules. That enables a range of innovative applications to extended traditional telephony applications into the cloud.
Beyond one-to-one calls, Quobis wac allows the setup of multiparty audio and video rooms with fine-grained functionalities, such as public conferences, private conferences, one-use conferences, etc… depending on the use case, billing strategy, etc…
Beyond audio and video communications, Quobis wac provides a messaging server to support use cases such as a basic chat, multi party chats, persistent chats, etc… That messaging capabilities can be combined with the user management capabilities as well
Quobis wac handles the logic needed to properly notify users of incoming calls, new messages, new groups and other events, both for subscribers using a mobile device (via a push notification server) but also browser-based notifications.
Quobis wac has been designed with a open interoperability mindset. That means that part of the functionalities provided by Quobis wac can be replaced by third party elements without impacting the rest of functionalities. This is specially important when customers wants to integrate any existing WebRTC element such media servers, WebRTC-to-SIP gateways, etc…
Most features are available through REST APIs so easy OSS/BSS integration and service provisioning
On-prem or cloud
Quobis wac is a software-only solution that can be deployed in standard bare-metal server or in a Docker and/or Kubernetes environments, ready for cloud providers but also traditional on-premises deployments.
And much more!
There are also a number of low-level functionalities that are described in detail in the following subchapters that make Quobis Communication Platform a quite unique solution to deliver complex applications to life in a very short time frame in a trusted, secure and scalable way.