sippo-sdk / com.quobis.sippo.sipposdk.conferencelog / ConferenceLog / getConferenceEntries


fun getConferenceEntries(before: Date?, after: Date?, limit: Int = 10, sortDescending: Boolean = true, onCompletion: (Either<List<ConferenceEntry>, SippoResourceError>) -> Unit): Unit

Fetches the conference log entries related to this user within the specified time interval.


before - If it is not null, conferences created before the specified value are fetched.

after - If it is not null, conferences created after the specified value are fetched.

limit - Maximum number of conferences fetched. It is 10 by default.

sortDescending - If true, the entries are fetched in descending order of creation date. If it is false, the order will be ascending. By default, the selected order is descending.

onCompletion - Callback that will be invoked when the request is completed. It will receive the conference entry list in case of success or a SippoResourceError otherwise.