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import {Observable, concat, defer, filter, map, shareReplay} from 'rxjs';

import {PresenceService} from '../wac-proxy/wac-stack/presence/PresenceService';

import {PresenceState} from './PresenceState';

 * Allows retrieving and updating presence related information of the current user.
 * An instance of this class must be obtained using {@link Session.getPresence}.
export class Presence {
	 * Allows access to the current presence information.
	readonly state$: Observable<PresenceState>;

		private presenceService: PresenceService,
		private ownId: string,
	) {
		this.presenceService = presenceService;
		this.ownId = ownId;

		const initial$ = defer(() => this.presenceService.subscribeToPresence$(this.ownId));
		const updates$ = defer(() => this.presenceService.event$).pipe(
			map(event => event.body),
			filter(presence => presence.address === this.ownId),
		this.state$ = concat(initial$, updates$).pipe(
			map(presenceDto => ({
				online: presenceDto.online,
				activity: presenceDto.activity,
				mood: presenceDto.mood,
				note: presenceDto.note,
				avatar: presenceDto.avatar,
				displayName: presenceDto.displayName,

	 * Allows updating current user presence information
	update(presence: Partial<PresenceState>): Observable<void> {
		return this.presenceService.update$(this.ownId, presence).pipe(map(() => undefined));