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 * This class allows access to the details of each outgoing invitation in a Conference
 * @link {Conference#getOutgoingInvitations()} method should be used to obtain the list
 * of instances of this class.
 * This is an immutable object, the private setters return a new object instance.
export class Invitation {
	/** @private */
	constructor(to, mediaTypes, responseCode, hasStreams, canceled) {
		this._to = to;
		this._mediaTypes = mediaTypes;
		this._responseCode = responseCode;
		this._hasStreams = hasStreams;
		this._canceled = canceled;
		this._timestamp = Date.now();

	 * Obtains the "gateway username" of the invited user.
	 * @returns {string}
	getTo() {
		return this._to;

	 * Obtains the mediaTypes for this invitation.
	 * This allow us to guess if we are inviting the user with audio & video, or only with audio and video
	 * @returns {MediaTypes}
	getMediaTypes() {
		return this._mediaTypes;

	 * Returns The response code of the invitation.
	 * This will be a 200 (OK) when the invited user accepts the invitation.
	 * @returns {number}
	getResponseCode() {
		return this._responseCode;

	 * Returns true when the conference room has a stream associated to the invited user.
	 * @returns {boolean}
	hasStreams() {
		return this._hasStreams;

	 * Returns true when the user has cancelled this invitation.
	 * @returns {boolean}
	isCanceled() {
		return this._canceled;

	 * Utility method that returns true when the invitation does not has a response code and it it not cancelled.
	 * @returns {boolean}
	isActive() {
		return !this._responseCode && !this._canceled;

	 * Returns the timestamp when this invitation object was created.
	 * This is useful to keep the client showing the invitations with errors for a period of time.
	 * @returns {number}
	getTimestamp() {
		return this._timestamp;

	/** @private */
	setTo(to) {
		return new Invitation(to, this._mediaTypes, this._responseCode, this._hasStreams, this._canceled);

	/** @private */
	setResponseCode(responseCode) {
		return new Invitation(this._to, this._mediaTypes, responseCode, this._hasStreams, this._canceled);

	/** @private */
	setCanceled(canceled) {
		return new Invitation(this._to, this._mediaTypes, this._responseCode, this._hasStreams, canceled);

	/** @private */
	setStreams(hasStreams) {
		return new Invitation(this._to, this._mediaTypes, this._responseCode, hasStreams, this._canceled);