Desktop Version

Quobis Collaborator also now has desktop support for the three main desktop OS, Windows, mac OS and Linux. As with the mobile version you can access through the directly installed native app or via your web browser with the corresponding URL.

This section explains the main differences with the mobile version as well as the specific features related with the desktop app.

Desktop application usage

The use of the desktop application is very similar to the web application version, see Features section for detailed information.

Quobis Collaborator was developed with a responsive design. This means it can allow for a resizable window and can adapt itself to any screen size, resolution or aspect ratio. Therefore the application can either show a more compact view (like in mobile versions) or an extended view depending on the size of the window where it is executed.

Desktop application installation process

Installing the application implies a similar process on each operative system. To start, double click the executable file provided.

Windows (.exe)

An installation wizard will guide you through the installation process.

macOS (.dmg)

The disk image will be mounted on your system and a finder window will open. Drag the Quobis Collaborator application icon to your applications folder.

Linux (.deb)

The software package will open a software installation window. Click the install option.

Supported OS versions

The following platforms are supported by Sippo collaborator


Windows 7 and later are supported, older operating systems are not supported and will not work.


Minimun version supported is macOS 10.10 (Yosemite)


The app can run in a distribution depending on the included libraries of that distribution. Only Ubuntu 12.04 is guaranteed to work although the following platforms are also verified to be able to run SIppo collaborator

  • Ubuntu 12.04 and newer

  • Fedora 21

  • Debian 8

Limitation notes

Currently, the desktop version of Quobis Collaborator does not have full support for the Screensharing feature and will only allow to share the whole content of the screen.