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import {EventEmitter2} from 'eventemitter2';
import {randomHash} from '../utils';
import {DataPipeStatus} from './DataPipeStatus';

 * Private fields addresses. These values are initialized when this file is loaded and hides
 * private vars addressing outside this scope.
var priv = {
	id: Symbol('id'),
	internalId: Symbol('internalId'),
	type: Symbol('type'),
	stack: Symbol('stack'),
	participants: Symbol('participants'),
	label: Symbol('label'),
	status: Symbol('status'),

var getStatusIndex = function(status) {
	switch (status) {
		case DataPipeStatus.UNCONNECTED:
			return 0;
		case DataPipeStatus.CONNECTING:
			return 1;
		case DataPipeStatus.CONNECTED:
			return 2;
		case DataPipeStatus.REJECTED:
			return 3;
		case DataPipeStatus.DISCONNECTED:
			return 4;

 * Provides access to methods for managing an outgoing or an incoming data pipe
 * DataPipe objects are obtained by calling the {Session#createDataPipe} method or
 * handling the incomingDataPipe event of a connected {Session} instance.
 * DataPipe allows data interchange between N users when pipe reaches 'connected' status.
 * A DataPipe is identified by a label: shared string that will be available to any
 * peer.
 * This class emits next events:
 *  - 'data'
 *  - 'data-with-info'
 *  - 'status'
 * 'data' event:
 *  - Received data from another pipe peer.
 *  - Payload is a string that represents received data.
 * 'data-with-info' event:
 *  - Received data with aditional info from another peer.
 *  - Event payload has next structure: {data: <String>, from: <sender>, ts: <timestamp>}
 * 'status' event:
 *  - Pipe status changed.
 *  - Payload is a DataPipe.STATUS element
 * @interface
 * @example How to create a DataPipe
 *   pipe = session.createDataPipe(to)
 *   pipe.on("data", function(dt) {
 *       console.log("received data", dt);
 *   });
 *   pipe.when(DataPipeStatus.DISCONNECTED).then(function(){...});
 *   pipe.connect().then(function() {
 *       // Connecting code
 *       console.log("pipe connected, ready to send/receive");
 *       pipe.send("Hello world")
 *   });
export class DataPipe extends EventEmitter2 {
	 * @private
	 * @throws {TypeError}
	 * @param {String} id pipe identifier. Optional. Default is a random value.
	 * @param {DataPipe.TYPE} type pipe type.
	 * @param {WacStack} stack stack instance.
	 * @param {Array<String>} participants pipe participants.
	 * @param {String} label pipe label. Optional. Default is 'generic'
	constructor(id = randomHash(), type, stack, participants, label = 'generic') {
		/* Syntax check */
		if (!(participants instanceof Array)) {
			throw new TypeError('invalid value for participants. An Array expected but an ' + typeof participants + ' received.');
		/* Store values */
		this[priv.id] = id;
		this[priv.internalId] = null;
		this[priv.type] = type;
		this[priv.stack] = stack;
		this[priv.participants] = participants;
		this[priv.label] = label;
		this[priv.status] = DataPipeStatus.UNCONNECTED;

	 * @private
	set status(status) {
		if (this[priv.status] != status) {
			this[priv.status] = status;
			this.emit('status', status);

	 * Sets a private identifier for pipe implementation data.
	 * @private
	set internalId(value) {
		this[priv.internalId] = value;

	 * Gets a unique identifier for the pipe
	 * @type {String}
	get id() {
		return this[priv.id];

	 * Returns a private identifier for pipe implementation data
	 * @private
	 * @type {String}
	get internalId() {
		if (this[priv.internalId] !== null) {
			return this[priv.internalId];
		} else {
			return this.id;

	 * Gets pipe type
	 * @type {DataPipe.TYPE}
	get type() {
		return this[priv.type];

	 * Gets stack
	 * @private
	 * @type {WacStack}
	get stack() {
		return this[priv.stack];

	 * Gets the identities of the peers attached to this pipe
	 * @type {Array<String>}
	get participants() {
		return this[priv.participants];

	 * Gets the identities of the remote peers attached to this pipe
	 * @type {Array<String>}
	get remoteParticipants() {
		return this[priv.participants].filter((participant) => {
			return participant !== this.stack.wStack.getCurrentCredential().data.username;

	 * Return label associated with this DataPipe. Requires DataPipe to be connected
	 * @type {String}
	get label() {
		return this[priv.label];

	 * Retrieves the current status of this pipe.
	 * @type {DataPipeStatus}
	get status() {
		return this[priv.status];

	 * Adds a participant to this pipe.
	 * When this method fails returned {Promise} is rejected with one of next {Error}
	 *  - 'unimplemented'
	 *  - 'not allowed'
	 *  - 'invalid-state' error when called on "disconnected" state
	 * @param {String} identity participant to add
	 * @returns {Promise<DataPipe, Error>} Resolved with the DataPipe object when
	 * invitation sent to new participant or rejected with an {Error}.
	addParticipant() {
		return Promise.reject(new Error('unimplemented'));

	 * Removes a participant from this pipe.
	 * When this method fails returned {Promise} is rejected with one of next {Error}
	 *  - 'unimplemented'
	 *  - 'not allowed'
	 *  - 'invalid-state' error when called on "disconnected" state
	 * @param {String} identity participant to remove
	 * @returns {Promise<DataPipe, Error>} Resolved with the DataPipe object when
	 * participant was removed or rejected with an {Error}.
	removeParticipant() {
		return Promise.reject(new Error('unimplemented'));

	 * Attempts to reach the pipe recipient and establish a connection.
	 * For an incoming pipe, calling this method explicitly joins/accepts the pipe.
	 * When this method fails returned {Promise} is rejected with one of next {Error}
	 *  - 'unimplemented'
	 *  - 'invalid-state' error when called on state different than "unconnected" state
	 *  - 'disconnected' pipe reaches disconnected state without being connected
	 * @return {Promise<DataPipe, Error>} Resolved with the DataPipe object when
	 * pipe reaches "connecting" state or rejected with an {Error}.
	connect() {
		return Promise.reject(new Error('unimplemented'));

	 * Ends an active pipe.
	 * When this method fails returned {Promise} is rejected with one of next {Error}
	 *  - 'unimplemented'
	 *  - 'invalid-state' error when called on state different than "connected" state
	 * @return {Promise<DataPipe, Error>} Resolved with the DataPipe object when
	 * pipe reaches "disconnected" state or rejected with an {Error}.
	disconnect() {
		return Promise.reject(new Error('unimplemented'));

	 * Called when a user does not wish to accept an incoming pipe.
	 * When this method fails returned {Promise} is rejected with one of next {Error}
	 *  - 'unimplemented'
	 *  - 'invalid-state' error when called on state different than "unconnected" state
	 *  - 'invalid-state' error when called on outgoing pipes
	 * @return {Promise<DataPipe, Error>} Resolved with the DataPipe object when
	 * pipe reaches "disconnected" state or rejected with an {Error}.
	reject() {
		return Promise.reject(new Error('unimplemented'));

	 * Sends data to the DataPipe recipients
	 * When this method fails returned {Promise} is rejected with one of next {Error}
	 *  - 'unimplemented'
	 *  - 'invalid-state' error when called on state different than "connected" state
	 * @param {String} data data to send
	 * @return {Promise<DataPipe, Error>} Resolved with DataPipe object after data
	 * delivery or rejected with an {Error}
	send() {
		return Promise.reject(new Error('unimplemented'));

	 * Returns a Promise resolved when pipe reaches provided state
	 *  - "unreachable state" pipe can not reach this state
	 *  - "invalid state" pipe state changed to an state that makes impossible reach
	 *    desired state.
	 * @param {DataPipeStatus} status desired state
	 * @return {Promise<DataPipe, Error>} Resolved with DataPipe object when pipe reaches
	 * provided state or rejected with an {Error}.
	when(status) {
		let index = getStatusIndex(status);
		return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
			if (getStatusIndex(this[priv.status]) > index) {
				reject(new Error('unreachable state'));
			} else if (getStatusIndex(this[priv.status]) == index) {
			} else {
				var onStatus = (newStatus) => {
					let newIndex = getStatusIndex(newStatus);
					if (newIndex == index) {
						this.off('status', onStatus);
					} else if (newIndex > index) {
						this.off('status', onStatus);
						reject(new Error('invalid state'));
				this.on('status', onStatus);