
This section explains how to create and register a SippoClient

First step needed is configure client with backend url

SippoClient.configure(with: SippoClient.Options(wacUrl: "", fileSharingUrl: ""))

At this point we need Sessions class to authenticate an User, we can use token, basic or anonymous authenticate method, and as response receives a task with a Bool or SippoClientError

    SippoClient.client.sessions.connect(authentication: .basic(username: "username", password: "password")) { result in
        switch result {
        case .success:
            print("Login successfully")
        case let .failure(error):
            print("Login failure: \(error)")

    SippoClient.client.sessions.connect(authentication: .token(token: "aToken", provider: "aProvider")) { result in
        switch result {
        case .success:
            print("Login successfully")
        case let .failure(error):
            print("Login failure: \(error)")

To receive state changes in SippoClient we need to set a delegate ClientStateDelegate

class SippoStateDelegate: ClientStateDelegate {
    func sippoClient(didChangeSippoState wacState: SippoServerState, didChangeStackState stackState: StackState) {
        print("New state: \(wacState) \(stackState)")
let delegate = SippoStateDelegate()
SippoClient.client.delegate = delegate

To close SippoClient session send logout action with Auth class

SippoClient.client.sessions.disconnect { _ in
        // Actions on disconnect

SippoClient.configure creates a new client accesible from SippoClient.client, but other clients still alive, so SippoClient.client.sessions.disconnect is required to clean a Session

Call SippoClient.client.sessions.connect is a must to access the other services (Invitations, Conferences..)